A big one for me was while serving as an elder in Del Ray Beach, FL, we caught the CO, Steve Ferrell, stealing money from the congregations and the circuit. He did this by turning in his weekly expenses of almost $800.00. He first trolled the differant elders to see which ones would become his 'homies', he would reward his 'home boys' with coveted assignments ( I was told I looked like someone he could use in the Chairmans Office, after he noticed " the shine on my shoes and the crease in my pants") ,Instant Red Flag for me! After his visit was over and the COBE ( home boy royale) tried to ram through a vote on paying his expenses, but refused to show us his receipts even thought I demanded he produce them to the body. Several weeks later at the Circuit elders meeting his Pioneer School expenses ( $1500 ) came to the attention of the DO, and he was pissed. Well to make along story short, it turns out he had robbed at least 9 other congregations, A big investigation followed several elders were removed, and the CO quietly disappeared, replaced by another. End of story, right?
Imagine my shock when I found out several years later that Ferrell had been secretly moved to another circuit just like a pedophile fucking priest!! That was my WHAT THE FUCK!!! moment. It was never the same for me after that. Though that was a huge deal in my mind, I now realize that was only a misdemeanor compared to the real horrific pedophile crimes now coming to light in every country in the world.